Jacob Goldberg

Łódź, Poland
July 8, 1922

Died: July 29, 2008

Jacob Goldberg was the second of four children born to Meyer and Chava Goldberg, furniture dealers in the Polish city of Łódź. Goldberg was 17 years old when World War II began on September 1, 1939. Jacob recalled how Nazis beat up Jews, confiscated Jewish property and sent all Jews to the Łódź ghetto. Goldberg was smuggled to Soviet territory but later returned to the ghetto where residents suffered starvation and disease before deportations to the Chełmno killing center started in January 1942. In August 1944 Goldberg and his family,  along with any other surviving Jews in Łódź, were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Jacob’s father and sister were separated from the rest of the family and sent to the gas chambers. Goldberg managed to survive a number of camps before the war ended in May 1945. He and his surviving brother Henry immigrated to the United States in 1949.

Meyer Nusin Goldberg, d. Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
Chava Freedman Goldberg, d. Łódź ghetto

Sara, Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1944
Aaron, d. in Holocaust
Henry, survived