Sam Markowitz

Born: Shmuel Abromowitz
Lipča, Czechoslovakia
July 24, 1924

Sam Markowitz was the second of six children born to Hirsch and Sarah Abromowitz in Lipča, Czechoslovakia. Hirsch supported the family as a tailor. At home the Abromowitzes followed traditional Orthodox practices and spoke the Jewish language of Yiddish. Non-Jewish families usually spoke the local Slavic dialect, though Sam and his family sometimes sprinkled their conversations with Hebrew words when they wanted to communicate privately.

Sam was 14 years old when Nazi Germany dismantled the Czechoslovak state and transferred Lipča to Hungary in March 1939. Of his immediate family, only Sam and his older brother Eizik (Isaac) survived the Holocaust. Both immigrated to the U.S. and changed their name to Markowitz. Isaac settled in the Queens borough of New York City where he raised a family and continued to practice Orthodox traditions.

Meanwhile, Sam married fellow survivor Lea Krell and moved to Houston where Sam earned a living as a cabinetmaker and craftsman. The couple had four children, Judith (Judy), David, Jeffrey (Jeff) and Gary. Despite their lack of formal education, both Sam and Lea stressed the importance of education to their children. As a result, all four of their children earned graduate degrees.

Sam and Lea divorced in 1970, but both continued to live in Houston. Lea, of blessed memory, passed away in 2008. Sam has 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Hirsch Abromowitz, d. May 1934, likely tuberculosis
Sarah Volk Abromowitz, d. in Holocaust

Eizik, survived
Chaim, d. in Holocaust
Mendel, d. in Holocaust
Hinda, d. in Holocaust
Sister, d. in Holocaust